Tube Inspection


Inspection of installed tubes in Heat Exchangers/ Boilers during Plant shutdown/ Maintenance overhaul

Inspection of tubes using suitable techniques (Eddy Current /Remote Field Testing/ Magnetic Flux Leakage/IRIS) for detection/sizing of damage mechanisms (corrosion, wastage, leaks and cracks) in heat exchanger/ Boilers. Inspection provides information on damage trends and extent of tube wall loss.

Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS)


IRIS is an ultrasonic immersion technique. Tubes under test is flooded with water as a coupling medium between sound and the part under inspection. IRIS relies on a transducer to generate an ultrasonic pulse parallel to the axis of the tube under test. It also relies on a rotating mirror that directs the ultrasonic wave into the tube wall. The mirror is driven by a small turbine powered by the pressure of water pum ube.



Eddy Current Testing


Eddy current testing is a noncontact method used to inspect non–ferromagnetic tubing. Two coils are excited with an electrical current, producing a magnetic field around them. The magnetic fields penetrate the tube material and generate opposing alternating currents in the material. These currents are called eddy currents.

Any defects that change the eddy current flow also change the impedance of the coils in the probe.

These changes in the impedance of the coils are measured and used to detect defects in the tube.



Remote Field Testing (RFT)


RFT is primarily used to inspect ferromagnetic tubing since conventional eddy current techniques have difficulty inspecting the full thickness of the tube wall due to the strong skin effect in ferromagnetic materials. The degree of penetration can, in principle, be increased by the use of partial saturation eddy current probes, magnetically biased probes, and pulsed saturation probes.



Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)


The probe consists of one or two magnet and two flux leakage sensors, which set up a flux field in the tube wall as it passes through the tube. The field fluctuates when it encounters a flaw. The flux rate fluctuation effect is picked up by the coils and displayed on the display apparatus and chart recorder

